Our Services

This is not an exhaustive list of what we provide. For more specialized offerings and inquiries about pricing, please contact us.

Accompaniment Plan

Our essential service is to accompany the dying person and their family through three phases. We journey with the dying person planning the vigil and assessing their needs to ensure they are fully informed, experience maximum comfort, and maintain full personal agency as their condition changes. Then when it is time, we lead the vigil and are present through final moments, including any planned rituals. This service also includes a grief and vigil reprocessing for the surviving family. This is the most inclusive plan.

All details of the plan, number of visits, and cost are highly dependent on the needs of the dying person. As such, Accompany works on a sliding scale and is committed to all people dying well. Please contact us if you are interested in this plan or a consultation.

Vigil Only Plan

Often there is not time or a desire for other services. As death draws near a dying person (or the family when a condition has advanced and the loved one can no longer self-advocate), can especially benefit from the presence of a death doula. In fact, we are best known for our presence at vigils.

A Vigil Only Plan typically ranges $350-$500, however Accompany is committed to all people dying well and can work with your budget to provide a quality experience for all people. Please contact us if you are interested in a plan or consultation but have low or no income.

Legacy Project Plan

This service is included with the Accompaniment Plan, but can be a separate service offered to dying person and/or their family at any time. Legacy Projects are great for the dying person to feel a greater sense of life meaning and purpose, while also passing on their knowledge for future generations. Some examples include:

  • cookbooks

  • memory books

  • video

  • photo collages

  • letters

Funeral & Memorial


Planning and Officiating

Whether you are seeking a secular or non-secular service, we can assist you in planning a funeral or memorial that meets your needs and reflects your wishes. This service is not included in any other plan, but can be added to the Accompaniment Plan for no additional cost.

Accompany understands the importance of honoring and affirming our trans siblings in life and death. Fees for planning and officiating affirming funeral and memorial services for trans people will be waived.

Grief and Loss Reprocessing Plan

In many instances, death occurs without warning. In these cases, a death doula can be helpful for processing grief and loss. This is especially true for miscarriages and infant loss.Typically Accompany offers this as a 6-session plan, in addition to the new client consultation, that culminates in a ritual, however specifics of the plan are dependent upon the needs of the client. Cost is offered on a sliding scale. Please contact us if you are interested in this plan or a consultation.

Schedule a New Client Consultation

Whether you have just received a terminal diagnosis or your loved one is in the final stages of a devastating disease like dementia, it is never too early or too late to seek the assistance of a death doula. To determine if we are a good match, schedule a consultation today.