About Us
What is a death doula?
Advocate. Liaison. Supporter. Caregiver. Teammate.
Known by many names including death midwife and end-of-life doula, a death doula is a person who assists with the dying process, much like a birthing doula does for a pregnant person. We are not chaplains or medical professionals, though many death doulas hold multiple degrees, specialties, and certifications that enhance their practice.
Death doulas provide an invaluable service to our clients. We are trained to tune into the needs of a dying person and their family and offer support throughout the dying process. From the first point of contact, our aim is to elevate the comfort, voice, and agency of the dying person through physical, emotional, and even spiritual presence, as appropriate. Our approach is from the heart and we use our training, experience, and expertise to alleviate concerns and fears to provide the dying experience that is desired and hoped for.
For more information, check out: What is an End of Life Doula? on the INELDA website.
“Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.”
— Haruki Murakami